by Torbjorn Swenelius
Torbjorn Swenelius
Photograph - Photography
The Eurasian Bullfinch (Pyrrhula_pyrrhula) among sunflower seeds in the snow in Uppland, Sweden
Honoured by features in Fine Art America groups:
Small Birds of the World -
FAA Portraits - Birds - 05/20/2020,
Animal Photographs - 05/21/2020,
Winter Wonderland - 05/21/2020,
Wildlife ONE A DAY - 06/03/2020,
Birds In Focus - 06/15/2020,
Camera Art - 06/25/2020,
A Birding Group - Wings - 06/29/2020,
Art for Ever with You - 08/18/2020,
December 8th, 2013
Comments (10)
Jan Mulherin
Congratulations!! This stunning image has been selected to be featured for the week in the “Art for Ever with You” Group Home Page. You are welcome to add a preview of this featured image to the group’s discussion post titled “2020 August: Stunning Group Featured Images and Thank-you’s” for a permanent display within the group, to share this achievement with others. Also feel free to post your feature on our group Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/296998814248643/ Thank you for your participation in the group! ~Jan (August 18, 2020)
Torbjorn Swenelius replied:
Thank you so much Jan Mulherin for your congratulations, very nice comment, choice of favorite and feature in the FineArtAmerica-group "Art for Ever with You"!
Don Columbus
Congratulations, your work is Featured in "A Birding Group - Wings" I invite you to place it in the group's "2020 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/Tweet
Torbjorn Swenelius replied:
Thank you so much Don Columbus for your congratulations, invitation and feature in the FineArtArmerica-group "A Birding Group - Wings"!
Torbjorn Swenelius
Thank you so much Pamela in Luther Fine Art for the feature in the FineArtAmerica-group "Camera Art"!
Don Columbus
Congratulations, your work is Featured in "Birds In Focus" I invite you to place it in the group's "2020 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/Tweet
Torbjorn Swenelius replied:
Thank you so much Don Columbus for your congratulations, invitation and feature in the FineArtArmerica-group "Birds In Focus"!
Torbjorn Swenelius
Thank you so much Mariola Bitner for the feature in the FineArtAmerica-group "Wildlife ONE A DAY"!
Torbjorn Swenelius
Thank you so much Dora Sofia Caputo Photographic Design and Fine Art for the feature in the FineArtAmerica-group "Winter Wonderland"!
Torbjorn Swenelius
Thank you so much Doug Norkum for the feature in the FineArtAmerica-group "Animal Photographs"!