Grey Herons Catch
by Torbjorn Swenelius
Grey Herons Catch
Torbjorn Swenelius
Photograph - Photography
The Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) waits patiently, stock-still, and suddenly full action for prey and catch a fish in the marsh, Uppland, Sweden
Honoured by features in Fine Art America groups:
Wild Birds Of The World - 10/21/2017,
KINGDOM Animalia - 10/22/2017,
FAA Portraits - Birds - 10/25/2017,
Birds In Focus - 10/25/2017,
October 20th, 2017
Comments (6)
Torbjorn Swenelius
Thank you so much Camille Pascoe for choosing "Grey Herons Catch" as your favorite!
Morris Finkelstein
Beautiful close up photograph of a Grey Heron, with great timing, pose, colors, light and reflections, and composition, Torbjorn! F/L
Torbjorn Swenelius replied:
Thank you so much Morris for your very nice comment and choice of favorite! Much appreciated!
Torbjorn Swenelius
Thank you so much Scott in Digital Designs for the feature in the FineArtAmerica-group "FAA Portraits - Birds"!
Don Columbus
Congratulations Torbjorn, your work is Featured in "Birds In Focus" I invite you to place it in the group's "2017 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/Tweet
Torbjorn Swenelius replied:
Thank you so much Don Columbus for your congratulations, invitation and feature in the FineArtAmerica-group "Birds In Focus"!
Torbjorn Swenelius
Thank you so much Miroslava Jurcik for the feature in the FineArtAmerica-group "KINGDOM Animalia"!
William Tasker
Hi Torbjorn! I was wondering after the last shot if the bird was successful. It was! Another great shot! Your beautiful image has been featured by Wild Birds Of The World, a nature photography group. L/F
Torbjorn Swenelius replied:
Hi William! You where wondering right! Thank you so much for your nice comment, choice of favorite and feature in the FineArtAmerica-group "Wild Birds Of The World, a nature photography group"!